Monday 24 September 2012

"Paranoia" - everything you will ever need to know

So now i am going to go through the entire production now that out filming is done and everything has gone to plan:
Our film opens with several shot types of a mysterouse ghostly girl in a graveyard, contrasted with many other frightening images such as abandoned playgrounds, blood and knives. Then the title of out film, "Paranoia" is displayed. This then fades into a newspaper clipping about the mysterious death of local girl, Eliza Dent, this is supposed to be the ghost we saw in the grave yard. Then we fade into the first scene of our film. Tilly, our protagonist, is walking home from soccer training with her friend Kate. As they walk they talk about the death. In this scene we use color to foreshadow because Tilly wears a bright red singlet and holds a red bag. Red represents danger. As they walk you see that they are being watched from the bushes. As the two part ways we follow Tilly. Suddenly the long shot from behind changes to P.O.V tracking of someone or something chasing her. it gets faster and faster until it almost appears to collide with her. In fact, the thing that was following her was a invisible monster that goes inside the minds of its victims and festers, causing deadly paranoia. Tilly then continues her walk home, suddenly tense, as she feels she is being watched. Soon you see the figure of a dark character stalking Tilly. This dark "Shadow" character is actually not real. It is a dollusion created by the monster inside her mind. Knowing she is being watched and followed Tilly suddenly turns to find the Shadow behind her. Terrified Tilly runs. She reached the bridge where she tries to calm herself. Soothed slightly she continues her walk. but turning suddenly she sees the dead body of Kate and then the shadow, once again, right on her tail. This is where we will enter a series of montage shots. These will have jump cuts and will be very fast in order to bring up the pace of our film. Then as the monster in her mind is really killing her, Tilly collapses in a alley-way. The shadow creature comes upon her and chokes her. Then a passer by approaches. seeing Tilly, she asks if she is alright. This girl cannot see the shadow and is confused. Choked by her own mind, Tilly abruptly dies. The passer by then slowly approaches then begins to freak-out over the dead body of Tilly. Our film end with the fast final shot of a P.O.V that starts from where Tilly is lying on the ground and goes up towards the passer-bys face. This is supposed to show the Monster inside Tilly's mind going into a new person. This is followed by our end credits and finally a closing shot of Eliza and Tilly (who is now a ghost) holding hands in the grave yard.

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